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Talking Story Memory Catcher Audio Biography 

An audio-only interview. Perfect for those who are camera shy or self conscious. The Audio Biography is an audio only recording of your personal autobiography, recording you relating your personal life story, family history, memories and values. Includes 2 copies of CD.

- Option I -

Standard: Your audio biography interview, minimally edited to remove long pauses, and unwanted noises (coughs, sneezes, etc.).


Prices start at: $850.00
for up to 4 hours of interview time,
additional hours at $125/hour.

- Option II -

Premium: Your audio biography edited to remove the interviewer’s questions, and be a continuous narrative of your voice only. Editing of the premium audio biography will also include music and sound effects, and be paced and sequenced into an easy-to-follow and entertaining narrative, with stories organized by tracks.

Prices are based upon a 4 hour interview, 

and start at $2,500.00
for the first hour of finished “premium” audio,
additional hours of finished audio at $500/hour


Expenses for travel outside of the Edmonton area are billed at cost, plus fee. 

Pricing, offers and promotions subject to change without notice at any time.

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Memory Catcher Personal & Corporate Video Biographies

Memory Catcher Inc.  All Rights Reserved. 2013.

Site design by Bella and Bloom

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